What to expect when taking your exam

Hate taking tests? We understand. But it helps to know what you can expect when exam-day arrives.

Everything you need to know about your exam, except the questions.

When you make your test center reservation, confirmation of exam-day details, including location, time, any building security procedures and your authorization code, will be e-mailed to you. Save this e-mail!

Here are some other important things to keep in mind.

Top 10 things to remember about taking your exam.

  1. You must bring your confirmation e-mail with you to the testing center.
  2. You must bring your confirmation e-mail with you to the testing center. (Yes, it’s that important.)
  3. Arrive 15-30 minutes before your exam in order to check in.
  4. Bring two forms of identification, including a valid driver’s license, passport, military ID or other government-issued ID.
  5. No electronic devices are allowed in the testing room, and no, you may not phone a friend for help.
  6. No reading material of any kind is allowed in the testing room.
  7. No food is allowed in the testing room. Not even brain food.
  8. No conversation between test-takers is allowed during the exam.
  9. Other than testing procedures, the proctor may not discuss any aspect of the exam with you at any time.
  10. You may be excused from the exam room by an exam proctor for the purpose of taking a stretch break or visiting a restroom. However, you will not be given additional time to make up for any time lost while you are out of the testing room, so make it quick.

Some test centers may their own have specific rules and procedures. Be sure to read your reservation confirmation carefully. You’ll find more info (much more in fact) about instructions, policies and procedures in the IAPP Certification Information Candidate Handbook.

So how did you do?

Exam results will be provided on the screen at the conclusion of your exam and also e-mailed to you.

To become certified in a designation, you only need to pass that designation’s exam. If you do not pass your first try, you are eligible to retake the exam you failed at a reduced price.