Certification Testing

Turn your knowledge into power

You’ve got the knowledge. Now make it official by earning your IAPP certification. You’ll join the globally recognized community of IAPP-certified professionals and get plugged in to the information economy for greater earning potential and opportunity.

Testing for your certification

The IAPP offers computer-based certification exams at over 6,000 testing centers worldwide.

Simply log in to the IAPP website, purchase your exam and then schedule it at the test center most convenient for you. You’ll get an e-mail with step-by-step instructions telling you how. Testing is available all year round and exams must be scheduled and completed within one year of purchase.

The IAPP also hosts paper exams at most of our major annual conferences.

Still have questions about exams? Read the IAPP Certification Information Candidate Handbook to find out everything you ever wanted to know about IAPP certification.



Practice exams are written in the same format as the IAPP certification exams. They are based on the same body of knowledge and written by privacy and data protection experts selected by the IAPP. No third-party exam provides such an accurate simulation of IAPP certification exams.

Purchase your practice exam now.


Questions about what to expect?

Find out what you need to know about exam day, including general instructions, policies, and, perhaps most important, when you can expect your exam results.

Learn more